NOTE: This is a Beta version of the Stratabox website. All content is subject to change when the final version is released. Some features may not yet be 100% operational.
What is Stratabox?
Stratabox is a portal dedicated to enhancing the experience of people involved in Strata. We aim to improve the communication, transparency and record keeping inside your scheme as well as provide all parties with an appropriate level of access to communication tools and information.
How is Stratabox different?
Stratabox is different from its competitors in many ways, but the main focus is to return control over a building's documents and files to their rightful owner, the Owners corporation and its elected representatives on the Strata committee. You will, from now on, and forever, know what is going on! Most of our competitors work on an outdated model of software running on a server, in a room at your Strata Manager's office... They choose which system they use, what data you can access, they are in control. We operate in the cloud with all the derived benefits, and we put you back in the driver's seat. But we will let the products do the talking!
Can I use Stratabox?
Yes, anybody can create a personal login and a scheme profile in Stratabox. In doing so, you will become the administrator for this specific scheme. Administrator privileges can be extended or transferred to other members of the building. Please note that it is preferable, but not necessary, to have a member of the Committee as administrator. You will then be presented with several options to extend membership invitations to the other parties in your building. The decision to use the paying version of the site past the free trial period must be taken by the Committee and potentially sanctioned by the Owner’s Corporation, depending on your scheme’s specific spend thresholds.
Who are you? Are you independent?
We are a 100% Australian owned business operating from Sydney. All our prices are hence quoted in Australian dollars and inclusive of GST.
And yes, Stratabox is a technology company with no affiliation to any particular strata manager, developer or real estate related businesses. We only provide you with the best possible technology to help you lift your strata experience through our many features.
Can Stratabox be used from anywhere?
Yes, our Free version can be used from anywhere in Australia. The mechanics and challenges of Strata ownership are the same across all states and territories, yet the legislation can vary. As we are based in NSW, and it is the largest market in the country, any advanced functionality that is built on legislation such as entitlements, voting rules etc will be primarily developed for NSW, but we are hoping to rollout to other states as soon as possible. First in line will be Victoria, then Queensland.
What is the cost?
Creating your personal profile is free. Every new scheme starts off with a 3 months trial of the full version, after which you can elect to keep full functionality on a paid subscription or you will transition to our free version. Pricing is transparent and can be accessed here.
How do you calculate the price?
Our price is directly proportional to the number of habitable lots in your scheme. As there can be several users per lot (several owners, real estate agents, tenants etc..), the cost per user will vary but remain very low. And there are no catches, everything is included in our price.
How about a free trial?
Sure! During our Beta, for a limited time, we are providing new customers with our fully featured premium version to gather feedback and build a better product.
At the end of the beta phase, you will automatically transition to our standard initial 3-month free premium version before either extending your premium subscription or transitioning to our free, limited version.
Who will pay for it?
To guarantee independence and ensure you retain ownership of all documentation and history of your file, it is essential for the subscription cost to be borne directly by the Owners Corporation, just like all other costs incurred in running your building. As such, it is fully tax deductible for investors.
Can I use the same user profile across several properties?
Yes, you can. If you are on the committee, own or rent several properties, the same login will give you access to all of them. The level of access you will enjoy within each property file will vary depending on your status in each and every building. You can also set different involvement levels for each scheme you belong to In fact, we would love for you to spread the word about Stratabox!
What if I am not very good with computers?
All you need to access Stratabox is a device connected to the internet. We have worked very hard to make sure the system is very user friendly, yet has powerful features. You don’t even need to login to the site on a regular basis as you will receive the communications relevant to you by email, ensuring you do not miss a thing!
Is there an app for that?
Our Android and IOS apps will be available soon. In the meantime, our website is fully optimised for browsing on any internet connected mobile device.
Is Stratabox secure?
Yes, security for us is paramount. We operate with the highest levels of security for all your data and communications. All emails transiting through the Stratabox email servers are scanned for spam and viruses. All data from your profiles and building are securely stored in a state-of-the-art cloud storage facility and backed up regularly.
Is Stratabox going to change?
Yes, we are constantly working behind the scene to provide you with more features and functionalities, based on customer feedback and advances in technology. This will not affect your existing content, but will eventually enhance it. We will keep you updated on our releases regularly.
But.. we already have a Strata Manager!
No problem, Stratabox was specifically designed to adapt to a wide range of management scenarios. If your property is self managed, the level of involvement with the system will be greater, yet many benefits can be derived from Stratabox’s advanced communication features including, but not limited to, increased transparency and accountability from all parties involved.
We could really use some of the features, but not the rest…
No problem, as long as the basic setup is done, you can choose to only use certain features and not the others, until the need arises. Our different membership levels have been designed to cater for the most common scenarios yet are flexible and adaptable.
What happens when changes in the Committee, Strata Manager or ownership happen?
The administrator of the Building file can go into the settings page and conveniently update any user status changes, and their new status will take effect immediately. All the history will be preserved, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity of the records.
I have setup a free trial, but I haven’t had time to finish the setup and use the system…
It’s ok, life can get busy sometimes. If you find yourself in this situation, please contact us, and we reserve the right to extend your trial period so you have more time to really appreciate the benefits of using Stratabox.
We have been using the free version but now need the more advanced functionalities…
You can upgrade your membership at any time, and we will not back charge lapsed memberships! Similarly, if your full subscription expires, you will automatically revert to the free version. We will even keep all your history and access to it will be reinstated when you renew your subscription, no problem!
Why do you need detailed information about our building?
Our long term goal is to provide our users with smart features and benchmarking data, so the more information we collect, the greater the benefits for our community. This will help you make decisions relating to maintenance (what is a lift’s average lifespan?) or repairs (how much should a new roof cost?) or automate certain processes like obtaining insurance quotes, etc. But don’t worry, most of this extra information is optional and can be provided at a later stage.